Telecommuting is a growing trend in the business world. Permitting employees to work from remote locations can offer substantial cost savings. These savings may come at a price. Having employees logging onto your corporate systems from a variety of locations can increase problems. Companies with wide ranges of devices can open you up to a security breach. One method of reducing this risk is through the use of a Virtual Private Network, or VPN. A network based on this type of framework is smart. VPN’s provide confidence with IT departments. When put in place, you have a mind at ease. Properly maintained networks streamline workflow. Saving time and preventing problems reduces cost. It also reduces unnecessary technology. Sell the old equipment, upgrade to a more secure workplace.
Unsecured Wi-Fi Connections.
In addition to viruses and other malware, employees may also connect via Wi-Fi through unsecured connections. It seems free Wi-Fi is available everywhere these days. Therefore, the majority of these locations have huge security holes. Even employees working from home have their own Wi-Fi routers. And, many are set up without proper security protocols. This puts your confidential business information at risk of being intercepted and stolen. After all, this is a major challenge for companies. Rapid proliferation of different devices and operating systems take place. Moreover, thieves may connect to your network. Have a recovery plan. Secure all Wi-Fi Connections.
Protecting Data with a Virtual Private Network.
In addition to antivirus software and other standard security measures, a Virtual Private Network is a low-cost method of mitigating the security risks of telecommuting. The VPN protects the data that is being transmitted in both directions. After all, protect your servers and remote employees. The VPN protects the data they are transmitting. To provide security, the VPN will scramble data moving back and forth. Data moving back and forth will be unrecognizable even if unauthorized parties gets a hold of it. Thus, this offers your business valuable protection. Employees send and receive files in public, unsecured access points.
In addition to installing a Virtual Private Network, it’s important to assess or restrict the use of unsecured file sharing programs. For instance, Dropbox is our top choice if needed. By setting up the VPN, and a list of unacceptable practices, you’ll go a long way reducing the chance something corrupts your network.
Data Loss Solutions with Proper Data Storage Practices.
Having protocols or protections in place, it’s still possible to experience data loss. You need to have a data recovery plan in place. Prevent critical information from vanishing. It’s vital to inform telecommuting employees that they should not attempt any data recovery. Your IT department should have a data recovery plan in place. The IT department should have continual access to a company that specializes in data recovery. Regardless, if the loss occurs in your corporate network or remotely, a data recovery expert can help retrieve and restore files with minimum time and data loss. Find a company in business over 10 years. Most companies fail within 5 years. eProvided.Com is now in business over 15 years. Have questions, call us toll-free 1-866-857-5950.
Reporting Security Problems To Prevent Data Loss.
It’s important to let employees know the risks associated with telecommuting. It’s vital to encourage them to report any type of security problem or data loss. In essence, it comes with the territory. It’s important they know you have procedures in place to recover from data loss emergencies. Thus, you know you’re not prepared at your place of work, tell your CEO. Virtual private network plans are a huge bonus to any data center or workplace. Knowledge from all within the organization is key. Thus, a fast response is best. If you see something strange, report it. Do not wait for someone else.